Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 567

Chapter 567


Chapter 567: The Human Heart

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

And we might consider relocating the pig farm to another village, Gu Zi said, her voice carrying a weight of seriousness. Its not out of the question. After all, if the pig farm has indeed caused so much trouble for our fellow villagers, we would feel remorseful.

I also believe that for Su Shen, this wouldnt pose much of a challenge. The reason he hasnt acted yet is because he believes the villages still need him. However, it seems some of you have already decided to burn bridges, blaming the entire issue on our Su family. When Su Shen finds out, he wont be able to stomach this.

Upon hearing the possibility of Su Shen considering moving the pig farm elsewhere, the villagers were taken aback. Some of them, in their urgency, didnt hesitate to step forward, quickly explaining to the speaker, Little Sus wife, youre taking this too seriously. We came here today, not to side with the ungrateful folks from Chen Village.

Yes, indeed, another villager chimed in. The pig farm is doing well here. It would be a shame to suddenly move it elsewhere. The piglets would have a hard time adjusting. Dont listen to the nonsense from those scoundrels in Chen Village. Theyre full of bad ideas, especially that big-mouthed couple, always causing trouble and being greedy. We still dont know the real reason for the power outage, and we certainly dont believe their words.

Aunt Zhang, observing the reticent villagers finally speaking up, bluntly commented, Where were you earlier? If you had spoken up like this before, would the village chief have needed to make this trip?

These villagers had their own calculations. After all, the cost of repairing the power outage was not small. If the cost was shared among all households, each would have to contribute a significant amount.

Regardless of which village they were from, their first reaction was undoubtedly reluctance to part with their money. If the people of Chen Village could shift the blame onto the Su family, making them bear the cost, their own pockets would be spared. They probably thought that since the Su family was wealthy, it wouldnt be a big deal for them to spend a little money.

Aunt Zhang felt a surge of disgust at the fickleness of human nature.

The villagers who had spoken earlier blushed, embarrassed, and lowered their heads. Village Chief Su Ming was visibly angry, glaring at the people from Chen Village.

If Su Shen were to move the pig farm elsewhere, wouldnt all the ongoing development here come to a halt? You must immediately apologize to Su Shens wife for your foolish remarks! he demanded.

The people of Chen Village dared not confront Gu Zi any longer, their faces showing their discomfort. They were caught between a rock and a hard place.

They all knew very well what the three villages were like before Su Shen started the pig farm. The farm had brought rapid development and increasingly better days for the villagers. Everything was looking up.

If the Daqing Pig Farm were to move, Su Shen certainly had the capability to do so, and it would likely be easy for him. However, the consequences of such a move would be unbearable for the village officials and villagers of the three villages.

Even the most selfish people in Chen Village understood this. Some of them stepped forward to mediate, Village Chief, Little Sus wife, we were just speaking out of desperation. We jumped to conclusions. The real reason should indeed be determined after a thorough investigation.

The big-mouthed woman from Chen Village was pushed forward to apologize. It was clear she was reluctant, but she dared not refuse. After all, this woman was Su Shens wife, and her husband was a capable man. She deserved to be respected.

Su Shens wife, Im sorry if todays events upset you, she said, her words dripping with sarcasm. Anyone with half a brain could tell she wasnt sincere. But the speaker, Gu Zi, didnt care for her apology. Whether it was sincere or not, she didnt give a damn.

She revealed a gentle smile and calmly said, Village Chief, I dont think an apology is necessary. What use is it? I have a request, or rather, a proposal.

If its proven that the power outage wasnt caused by the pig farm, then these troublemakers from Chen Village should pay per capita during the fundraising. If others pay five yuan per household, they should pay five yuan per person.

On the contrary, if it indeed turns out to be a problem with the pig farm, our Su family will not only cover all the repair costs but also gift each household in the village twenty jin of pork for the New Year. Moreover, from then on, the villagers electricity bills will be borne by our Su family.

As soon as Gu Zi finished speaking, the people of Chen Village became unsettled. This isnt a proposal, its a bet! How can this be allowed? Village Chief, youre the most impartial one here. You cant let this woman have her way, can you?

The villagers turned their eyes to Su Ming. Su Mings expression was serious, and he didnt make a statement prematurely, but he had already made up his mind.

